About us

Antonia Kuksova is a Ukrainian-German entrepreneur and educator, best known for her work as an international trainer and advocate for disadvantaged communities. She co-founded Unbreakables Foundation with Braxton Norwood in 2023.

In addition to her philanthropic work, Antonia Kuksova has an academic background, serving as a lecturer and trainer specializing in entrepreneurial skills development. She has been involved in international conferences and workshops, focusing on business planning, leadership development, and fostering soft skills like communication, problem-solving, and emotional intelligence

Dr. Braxton Norwood was raised in Kalispell, Montana and earned his PhD in Medical Pharmacology from the University of Arizona. Beyond his achievements in founding and leading innovative healthcare companies, such as Lutroo Imaging, Braxton Norwood is driven by a strong sense of social responsibility. One of his primary goals is to support disadvantaged families, recognizing the importance of ensuring everyone has access to essential services and opportunities. He actively engages in local initiatives, providing financial assistance, mentorship, and other resources to help those who need it most.

Braxton Norwood’s commitment to philanthropy is about offering short-term relief and empowering individuals and communities to build a brighter future. His work in Montana and the greater community reflects his belief that success is not solely measured by professional accomplishments but also by the positive difference one makes in the lives of others.

Braxton occasionally posts original articles on Medium; topics include entrepreneurship and philanthropy.

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